By working with us as a promoter, you can represent our brand, aswell as earning free merchandise, as a 'thankyou' from us!
How does it work?
Once we accept you as a promoter, we will give you your own, unique promotional code, depending on your name.
When you promote our brand to your friends, give them this code. They can then use it at the checkout to recieve an initial discount of 10%.
We can upgrade your code to give a higher discount as more people use it!
Through this code, we can see everytime you've promoted our brand.
What merchandise can you earn?
We run this scheme on a 'points' system. Everytime someone uses your code, you'll gain a 'point'. You can redeem these for free merchandise!
For instance, you can redeem a free tee of your choice for 3 points, it's as easy as that! There's no limit to the amount of merchandise you can earn with this scheme.
How can I promote Ember?
Promotion via social media can be really easy! Sharing our pictures on your timeline, tweeting about us or posting images on your instagram all help you reaach more people!
Posting your code alongside your posts will help you aswell, as it will offer a 10% discount on our store!
Also, remember that word of mouth is not dead! Telling your friends about us face to face can really help you gain points!
What other perks do I have as a promoter!
With youth unemployment being so high, it's nice to brag that you have a job! As a promoter, you can change your facebook job status to 'Promoter at Ember Clothing'.
Throughout the summer, we will also be hosting events, such as freepartys, raves, BMX/skate competitions, and as a promoter, you will have free access to these events, and VIP status where applicable!
So what are you waiting for?
E-mail us at [email protected] to apply, or message us via our Facebook Page!
You need to include links to your social media pages, ie. Facebook profile, Twitter profile and optionally a brief paragraph on why wou'd like to become a promoter for us. We don't bite!
So what can you earn?